Plugin reference


On a configuration run, the plugin is called with the argument “config”. The following fields are used.

Field Value type Description See also Default
graph_title string required Sets the title of the graph    
graph_args string optional Arguments for the rrd grapher. This is used to control how the generated graph looks, and how values are interpreted or presented. rrdgraph  
graph_vlabel string optional Label for the vertical axis of the graph    
graph_category lower case string, no whitespace optional Category used to sort the graph on the generated index web page.   misc
graph_info html text optional Additional text for the generated graph web page    
graph_scale yes|no optional If “yes”, the generated graph will be scaled to the upper and lower values of the datapoints within the graph.   no
graph_order space separated list of graph.datapoints optional

Ensures that the listed datapoints are displayed in order. Any additional datapoints are added in the order of appearance after datapoitns appearing on this list.

This field is also used for “borrowing”, which is the practice of taking datapoints from other graphs.

update_rate integer (seconds) optional

Sets the update_rate used by the munin master when it creates the RRD file.

The update rate is the interval at which the RRD file expects to have data.

This field requires a munin master version of at least 2.0.0

datapoint.label lower case string, no whitespace required The label used in the graph for this field html text optional Additional html text for the generated graph web page, used in the field description table    
datapoint.warning integer, or integer:integer (signed) optional This field defines a threshold value or range. If the field value above the defined warning value, or outside the range, the service is considered to be in a “warning” state.    
datapoint.critical integer, or integer:integer (signed) optional This field defines a threshold value or range. If the field value is above the defined critical value, or outside the range, the service is considered to be in a “critical” state.    
datapoint.graph yes|no optional Determines if this datapoint should be visible in the generated graph.   yes
datapoint.cdef CDEF statement optional

A CDEF statement is a Reverse Polish Notation statement used to construct a datapoint from other datapoints.

This is commonly used to calculate percentages.

datapoint.draw AREA, LINE, LINE[n], STACK, AREASTACK, LINESTACK, LINE[n]STACK   Determines how the graph datapoints are displayed in the graph. The “LINE” takes an optional width suffix, commonly “LINE1”, “LINE2”, etc… The *STACK values are specific to munin and makes the first a LINE, LINE[n] or AREA datasource, and the rest as STACK. rrdgraph LINE

On a data fetch run, the plugin is called with no arguments. the following fields are used.

Field Value type Description See also Default
datapoint.value integer, scientific notation, or “U” (may be signed) required The value to be graphed.   No default


This is an example of the plugin fields used with the “df” plugin. The “munin-run” command is used to run the plugin from the command line.

Configuration run

# munin-run df config
graph_title Filesystem usage (in %)
graph_args --upper-limit 100 -l 0
graph_vlabel %
graph_category disk
graph_info This graph shows disk usage on the machine.
_dev_hda1.label / / (ext3) -> /dev/hda1
_dev_hda1.warning 92
_dev_hda1.critical 98

Data fetch run

# munin-run df
_dev_hda1.value 83