The munin async daemon connects to a munin node periodically, and requests plugin configuration and data.
This is stored in a spool directory, which is read by munin-async.
| -s <spooldir>
¶ Directory for spooled data [/var/lib/munin/spool]
¶ Connect a munin node running on this host name and port [localhost:4949]
¶ Set default interval size [86400 (one day)]
¶ Number of interval files to retain [7]
Disable automated spool dir cleanup
Fork one thread per plugin available on the node. [no forking]
| -v
¶ Be verbose
| -h
¶ View this message
See munin for an overview over munin.
See also Asynchronous proxy node for more information and examples of how to configure munin-asyncd.